培训机构:点击进入— 美联英语深圳培训中心机构主页 | |
课程名称:深圳出国英语培训强化班 | |
课程学费: | 开课时间:常年滚动开班 |
开课地点:深圳市福田中心区福华三路88号时代财富大厦 | E-mail:nihao@foxmail.com |
咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 |
出国英语强化课程Courses for Going Abroad备受学员喜爱的美联特色课程,为您出国后迅速适应国外生活,工作环境和应对面试问题打开方便之门These courses are useful for helping integrate into life abroad. You will be well-trained to pass interviews,too.
海外留学指导课(Instruction of Study Overseas)全面实用的语言技能训练,帮助您尽快适应海外生活及求学环境.You will learn essential language skills particularly useful for integration into the locallife when you are studying or living abroad.
情景操练课(Simulation Practice Class)掌握鲜活的纯正英语表达,实现您尽快融入英语社会环境的目标. This course will help you to improve your English through drills and exercises which will help you integrate into a new culture as fast as possible.
移民面试课(Immigration Interview Class) 掌握与面试官交流的言语技能,圆您出国之梦. This course is intended to help familiarize you with communicating with Interview Officers.
1.Private class 不超过4人的小班授课不超过4人的个性化外教小班,针对学员真实水平的授课。All provide classes have no more than 4 students, and students are all taught accordingto their own situation and level.
2. Real Language 高雅舒适的学习氛围 高档、舒适的学习环境,星级的服务加现代化教学设备,为您的学习提供了可靠的保证。 High-classed and comfortable study environment, top grade service and modern teaching facility.We provide you with a guarantee for a successful learning environment.
3. Quality Guaranteed 置身海外的教学环境 一个纯正的英文环境,全英文的教学氛围,不用跨洋过海就能享受到真实的英语。A real life environment where only English is used. You can acquire and apply the English language without going abroad
4. Flexible Timetable 灵活的学习时间 早上9点到晚上9点,中心全天开放,您可以依据自己的时间,安排自己的个性学习计划随时学习。The center is open from 9 a.m. every day. The students can choose their own schedule
5. Accurate Level Placement and Study Goal Setting 精细化水平分级和目标设置 对英语语言知识和技能要求进行精确估量与合理设计,细化教与学的目标,帮您获得真正高效的学习成果。 Placement based on a systematic estimate of acquired English language knowledge and eaking skills, suitable teaching and learning goals are designed to guide you to your goal
6. Personalized Course 个性化的课程设置 通过科学测定水平级别,选择适合自己水平的课程,依据自己的学习需求与特点,精心设计个人学习内容。 Choose courses according to your own level and needs.
7.Multi-media Learning System 全球知名的ELLIS多媒体课程 为母语非英语的人士量身定做的专业多媒体实境课程,加拿大超过60%的公立英语培训课程的首选课程,为英国政府移民项目提供全部的英文培训支持。Professional multimedia courses are designed specifically for people whose native language is not English, and they are the main courses taught at more than 60% of the public English training schools in Canada. They also provide the comprehensive English training for the UK migrants program
8.Self-control study pace 学习进度自我掌控 自己的学习进度,完全自己控制,工作忙的时候可以放慢进度,工作闲的时候可以加快学习进度。Students can follow their own study schedule. In this way, their language studies will
accommodate their professional or personal needs.
9.Personalized Support and Follow-up 个性化的教学支持与跟踪 专业学习顾问依据您的个人基础、学习时间,为您量身定做个性化学习计划,并在学习时间内高频率地跟踪,辅助您成功地完成在校的学习。Our professional Study Advisors will develop a course according to your level. Then they will carefully follow up your process and assist you to complete your studies.
10.Social club and Activity 精英社交俱乐部 全英文社交俱乐部,由外籍人士组织,各类聚会、踏青、购物等实境活动,在真实生活中感受西方文化,学以致用。There are frequent activities organized by foreign teachers where students can experience western culture and practice English accordingly
11.Quality Extension Training Along with English Learning 素质拓展与英语学习共成长 现代社会竞争激烈,英文素质拓展训练与英语学习并行的独特设计,想您所想,为您的成功增加竞争力。Quality Extension training helps you to get ahead in your career competition while you are learning English here.
出国英语强化课程Courses for Going Abroad备受学员喜爱的美联特色课程,为您出国后迅速适应国外生活,工作环境和应对面试问题打开方便之门These courses are useful for helping integrate into life abroad. You will be well-trained to pass interviews,too.
求职面试课(Job Interview Class) 帮助您在面试中更好的推销自己,在求职竞争中领先一步. You will learn to cope with various English job interviews, improving self-promotion and staying a step ahead of the competition.
移民面试课(Immigration Interview Class) 掌握与面试官交流的言语技能,圆您出国之梦. This course is intended to help familiarize you with communicating with Interview
大学入学面试课(Entrance Interview Class) 开拓英语视野,拓展英文思维,让您在面试中脱颖而出. You can learn skills to pass College entrance interviews. Your vocabulary,debating,and English ability can improve a lot.
海外留学指导课(Instruction of Study Overseas) 全面实用的语言技能训练,帮助您尽快适应海外生活及求学环境. You will learn essential language skills particularly useful for integration into the local life when you are studying or living abroad.
发音进阶课 (Advanced Pronunciation Class) 您将在最短时间内攻克发音难点,迅速掌握纯正发音不再是梦想. You will be able to overcome difficulties within a short period as well as mas tering standard pronunciation!
情景操练课(Simulation Practice Class) 掌握鲜活的纯正英语表达,实现您尽快融入英语社会环境的目标. This course will help you to improve your English through drills and exercises which will help you integrate into a new culture as fast as possible.
素质拓展训练课(Team Building Exercise) 英语能力与综合素质共同拓展,打造您的核心竞争力. Team Building Exercise with overall English training builds up your core competitiveness
培训机构:点击进入— 美联英语深圳培训中心机构主页 | |
课程名称:深圳出国英语培训强化班 | |
课程学费: | 开课时间:常年滚动开班 |
开课地点:深圳市福田中心区福华三路88号时代财富大厦 | E-mail:nihao@foxmail.com |
咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 |
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Copyright © 2017 美联英语深圳培训中心 http://www.1edu.com/jg/mlyy
广告合作:15811841184 客服咨询:4006640095 咨询热线:4006640084 粤ICP备14047004号 E-mail:nihao@foxmail.com |