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当前位置:第一教育网 >> 深圳 >> 深圳市嘉瑞美实业有限公司 >> IT认证培训 >> Linux认证 >> Redhat Cluster Suite(HA)高可用集群课程
Redhat Cluster Suite(HA)高可用集群课程
培训机构:点击进入— 深圳市嘉瑞美实业有限公司机构主页
课程名称:Redhat Cluster Suite(HA)高可用集群课程
课程学费: 开课时间:常年滚动开班
开课地点:深圳市福田区振华西路田面设计之都10栋5层A室 E-mail:nihao@foxmail.com
咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436








       §HA 简介-

       §负载均衡(Load Balancing Cluster)-


  ★Red Hat Cluster Suite 简介-

       §Red Hat Cluster Suite 介绍-

       §HA 拓扑-

       §RHCS(HA) Technical Highlights-

       §如何获得 RHCS

  ★RedHat Cluster Suite 概述-

       §Cluster 基础架构-

          ◇Cluster Management-

          ◇Lock Management-


          ◇Cluster Configuration System-

          ◇High-Availability Service Management-

       §Cluster Administration Tools-


          ◇system-config-cluster: Cluster Administration GUI-

          ◇Conga 与 system-config-cluster 的比较-

          ◇Command Line Administration Tools-

       §Manual Pages-

          ◇Cluster Infrastructure-

          ◇High-availability Service Management-

  ★配置与管理 RedHat Cluster Suite-

       §Hardware requirements-

       §Software requirements-

       §使用 system-config-cluster 配置 Red Hat Cluster-

          ◇Starting the Cluster Configuration Tool-

          ◇Naming The Cluster-

          ◇Configuring Fence Devices-

          ◇Adding Cluster Members-

          ◇Configuring a Failover Domain-

          ◇Adding Cluster Resources-

          ◇Adding a Cluster Service to the Cluster-

          ◇Propagating The Configuration File: New Cluster-

       §使用 system-config-cluster 管理 Cluster-

          ◇Starting and Stopping the Cluster Software-

          ◇Managing High-Availability Services-

          ◇Modifying the Cluster Configuration-

          ◇Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database-

          ◇Disabling the Cluster Software-


       §Ethernet Bonding-

       §How can I write a service script to enable my service in Red Hat Cluster suite?-

  ★Cluster FAQ-

       §Can I control where rgmanager logs or its log level?-

  ★Resource Links-

       §RHEL related-

       §Cluster related-

       §Conga related-



培训机构:点击进入— 深圳市嘉瑞美实业有限公司机构主页
课程名称:Redhat Cluster Suite(HA)高可用集群课程
课程学费: 开课时间:常年滚动开班
开课地点:深圳市福田区振华西路田面设计之都10栋5层A室 E-mail:nihao@foxmail.com
咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436
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